
It was cold this morning. 7 degrees. Candy the hunting dog wasn't all that thrilled about it. Shorthairs don't like the cold because they have practically no hair. Now it has warmed up to just over 20 degrees. A real heat wave. It is supposed to be like this all week. And me with a missing mitten. It went into hiding a few weeks ago and refuses to come out and play. I will insult it by making more mittens.

This picture was yesterday. It is Olivia the pea hen getting a snack at one of our bird feeders. Fortunately, our chickens can't reach it or the wild birds wouldn't get any. Chickens are not nice, and they never ever play nice. Our little cochin roosters expend lots of energy chasing sparrows and juncos away from their feed.

My knitting hasn't come far the past few days, so no updates on the glove yet. Maybe I will get a picture of my sock to put up. I need some knitting content if I am going to keep calling this a knitting blog.


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