Some of My Projects

I can not express to you how happy I am to be done with my Palindrome Scarf. I don’t make many scarves because they go on and on. I get tired of them. Then I get sick and tired of them. But now I am done! I’d drink a beer if I had one.

I finished this swatch for my gansey:

Now I can begin the serious business of picking out the stitch patterns to use. I think I am going to go with 4 inches of ease. It is sport weight yarn, so I don’t think I want more ease than that.

And I have started a new project. I thought I wasn’t going to do that, but I couldn’t help myself. As punishment, I made myself finish Palindrome. Naturally, I am converting Accordion to a knit in the round sweater, so I am knitting the sleeve first. Accordion is basically 3 rectangles and there isn’t any underarm shaping. That is why I have to make the sleeve first, so I know when to split the front pieces from the back and knit things separately. I had to do the same thing with Boo last year. This is the beginning of my sleeve:

We will all note the lovely wild sunflowers in the background. I love them and allow them to grow freely anywhere but the yard. The girls have been picking them like crazy lately.

And this is where I am on my Monkey Socks:

I don’t work on it often enough to have the pattern memorized, but I am very familiar with it in spite of that. I see why people say it is easy to memorize. My plan is to finish this sock, then make the second sock of the Gentleman’s Half Hose. We all know how plans go, though!


Love that Blue Monkey!!

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