Dratted Summer

We’ve been promised hot weather here, drat it. Apparently, we are going to have a summer after all.

The other night we got to town just as the rain quit. It was fabulous because the carnival was practically deserted. The kids rode some cars and the kiddie roller coaster, and then we found food to eat. Everyone else ate nasty corn dogs, but I ate from the booth set up by our local Chinese restaurant. The girl gave me tons of food. I was reminded why I love my fried rice. That stuff was terrible. There was a time when I loved it. I am so glad I know how to make my own Chinese food.

I am well into my first sleeve on the Pink Sweater. Tonight I was considering if I could finish another project this month, but I don’t think I can. I did decide to keep a count on the skeins of yarn I use up before September 1. There will be a count in the side bar along with the number of books I’ve read this summer.

The goat kids are getting super duper cute. They are just the cutest hopping along behind their moms out in the pen. Too bad Stanley can’t go out there. His aunt Zoe tries to bite him every chance she gets. Other than that, I can’t fault her. She’s a good mother and pretty easy to milk. Unlike her bratty sister, Belle. I bought hobbles for that wench, and that’s when the real trouble started. She managed to tear the things off and sat down so I couldn’t milk her at all. I got some great tips from the Goat Devoted group on Ravelry and from the Home Dairy Goat list on yahoo. This morning, we got enough milk to feed Stanley all day AND have nearly a quart for us. Very good.


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