Next, Please
On Friday, I was perusing Ravelry patterns when I ran across Sunset Highway. I fell in love with it. Just that morning I was telling a friend how I had so much yarn that I couldn't put it all in storage bins. This sweater seemed like a good solution for all the fingering weight yarn that I find unsuitable for socks.
I am doing the colors the opposite of the original. There are lights where the darks are in the pattern and darks where it is light. I think the sweater is going to look fantastic. This is where I am at with it right now:
For some reason, this color never photographs well. It always looks washed out. At any rate, I am pleased with it so far!
In other yarny news, I have realized that I have a lot of yarn with no place to go as I mentioned above. For the near future, I intend to knit from stash unless there is something I just don't have for birthday or holiday knitting. I could buy another storage tub, but where would I put it? The problem with closing a yarn business is all the yarn that is left at the end of things. I could put it on ebay, but I really don't want to give away really nice yarn. I'd much rather just knit it.
What have you been knitting lately?