On My Wheel

I didn't end up participating in the Tour de Fleece.  When it comes to be big clearing out, I always feel it is important to strike while the iron is hot, so to speak.  I woke up one morning and felt like changing the bedroom, so I jumped on it and spent a week or so getting it cleaned up.  It feels like a whole new space! It isn't completely done, but it is a thousand times better for the clearing out of loads of paperwork, dust, and a giant space hog of a desk.

However, some spinning has happened since my last spinning update:

This is some really deep stash BFL that was on the wheel for my last update a month ago. There is a bit left to spin and then I have some green that I dyed the other day to spin up and ply with it.

This is the beginning of my first planned spinning project:

I dyed up a rainbow from some merino to spin up and then ply together reminiscent of a Crazy Zauberball.  I am hoping to get DK to Worsted weight out of the final product.  The finished yarn will probably become a hat and mitts. It has been a while, but I think I dyed an ounce of each color. Maybe half an ounce.  I would have to refer to my dye book to be sure.

Happy spinning!


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