Knitting Boredom

Some knitting pictures. This is the nearly finished left front of the vest. I will be so glad to be done with this project because I don’t really like the yarn. The only nice thing about acrylic is that you can toss it in the wash and not worry about it. As far as I can tell, it is the only nice thing about it. Maybe I am grumpy today. Or tired. I just want to knit something for me, and right now I am not doing that. The socks are mine, but they aren’t a sweater. I want a new sweater. Whine, whine, whine. It isn’t as if this project isn’t moving right along. My real problem is that I currently have 4 projects on the knitting needles and I am working on only 2. There is a basket of yarn next to my chair that just smirks at me. That yarn is going to be a sweater for me if I ever finish my other projects. One of the projects I’m not working on is a sweater for knitter #2. I would love to be working on it. That would be almost as good as working on something for me.

I should just get over it and go knit…..

But first, my second Travelling sock. It is coming along better than the first one, but I have been setting it aside to work on the vest quite a bit.

Now I’m off to knit or surf the web or something.


I know knitting boredom very well. My eldest daughter said that she 'hated the stupid sweater I was knitting for her'...guess how motivated I am to finish it for her now?

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