New Toys and Petty Jealousy

I have virtually no knitting news. I am approaching the finish on the BSU sweater. Yeah, I didn’t make the second finish date, either. I knitted my way through the game just for my husband, though. Not that they needed the help. They walked all over the team they played. I don’t care about BSU. My husband’s family are all insane fans. I went to the other school AND I think college is where you go for an EDUCATION. My only real knitting news would be the three super saver skeins of acrylic I got for some Christmas presents that need to be wool free and washable. My brother is allergic to wool.

I got a new toy over the weekend. The leaking washing machine turned out to have a really bad leak that involved some seal. Not a loose hose. The machine cost us all of $30, so we decided to just get a new one that can be sent back if it malfunctions. We got an LG Tromm, and I LOVE it. It is a front loader and uses way less water than the old one did. That means I can use it when our sprinkler system is running without any worries.

After reading all my favorite blogs today, I am insanely jealous. Claudia got a new bike so she can run errands on a bike instead of her car. We live too far from town to run errands on a bike. I haven’t ridden my bike in ages. Maybe I’ll drag it out some early morning before the wasps start buzzing around. I think Brent has it hidden under the camper. (calling it a camper is really a joke - the thing is way too big for campgrounds in the mountains) Claudia’s new bike is a beauty and I probably won’t even like mine anymore!

I do have a bit of cheery news. I counted up the money in my can that I have been saving for a spinning wheel and I already have almost enough! It seems to accumulate faster if you don’t count it every time you open the can…


OK, now I am JEALOUS of your new front loader, so cool!!!! Also, which school is BSU? Boise State?
Unknown said…
Oh, that machine is beautiful....I am grateful to have a washer and dryer, it's miserable to not have one in the house. I agree about college being for education...but I have pretty strong feelings about high school being for education, as well. It made me crazy when I was in Texas - 2 of the 8 classes (yes, part of the school day) were for football. They would go to football or whichever sport every day for 90 minutes, but only every other day for those unimportant subjects like English and math and science and history. So excited you are getting a spinning wheel! I have met a lady here that spins, so maybe next semester that will be my new project.

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