Rainy Day Schedule

I finished my bag. When it is dry, I will show some before and after pictures. Felted items take so long to dry. Forever. It was nice to clear out some partial skeins and do something with brilliant red yarn.

It is rainy here today, and I am very glad. Unlike the east, we have been having a dry spring out here. This is the time of year when we get rain, so I am relieved to get some, no matter how little. We need to have more than a day of rain, but somehow I don’t think I can do anything about it. It is probably raining because my sweetie got the sprinkler system going yesterday.

Anyway, rainy days are great days for sleeping and knitting. So that is what I have done. I got both of the kids napping at the same time and then I got to nap, too. I laid down with a couple knitting books and never really even got to them. That quilt I made my husband for his birthday is like a sleeping pill. It knocks me out every time.


Lone Knitter said…
It's so dreary here. The rain is probably making it take longer for your felted bag to dry. I haven't felted in a long time.

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