Enough Projects?

As if I didn't already have enough little projects to do, I took advantage of a pattern sale at JoAnn's this weekend and now I can do even more sewing. Today, I picked up embroidery floss so I could start a little quilt for the now 3 year old knitter #2. Last year I bought all the fabric for it thinking I would do it before her little sister was born. I was pregnant and couldn't keep up with projects or knit for the first six months. The quilt never got done. I might be able to get it done for christmas this year, though. Let's see how many projects I actually finish by the end of the year!

I may be biting off way more than I can chew. Fortunately, that stash reduction promise I made to myself only applied to yarn. Of course, then I went out and bought a load of yarn from Knit Picks. See, I am just as weak as everyone else. I do have some stash reduction projects planned. And I can always knit/crochet a load of toys for my knitters and my neice.


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